
Treatments: Everything You Need to Know and Why You Need to Start Doing Them

Maybe in the chaos that is often daily life, you just lack the time.  Maybe you don’t even know where to start. Trust me — we’ve been there more times than we care to admit, and we know there can be an overwhelming amount of options, especially for those who are just diving into the world of treatments.  After all, there are so many different kinds of treatments, some offering something completely different for your hair than the next, some offering exactly the same.  So how do you choose the best one not only for your hair, but for your lifestyle

Although it may seem counterproductive to focus on all of the things you dislike about your hair, or the ways you struggle to manage it on a daily basis, it’s the best place to start, and the easiest way to choose the most beneficial treatment. In your world, that may come in the form of dull, dry, or damaged ends — in which case you may focus on a treatment that aims to repair, nourish, and hydrate the hair. Or perhaps the problem isn’t with your ends at all, but with your scalp. Regardless of the reasons, choosing the best treatment for your hair should never stop there. Selecting products that work well within your day to day life is just as important as the actual treatment itself, and unfortunately this can be a very easy step for some of us to overlook. Some treatments may add as little as three extra minutes to your shower routine, while others may require an additional 10-15 minutes of your time to work properly. In the end you could choose a product that aims to fix all of those undesired characteristics and problem areas, but if it’s far too time consuming for you to use in your day to day life, you’re going to end up right back where you started.

Once you’ve given a good amount of thought to what you want to change, and how much time you have to make that a reality, you may be wondering how often you should be using them once you’ve chosen one, or several different ones. How often you choose to do them is entirely based upon you, your hair, and the kind of treatment; however, it’s important to remember that consistency is key. With most treatments, you’ll find that using them on a once weekly (for color treated hair) or bi-weekly basis depending on your desired maintenance and hair health is going to be the perfect place to start, and easy to incorporate into your already established routine.

Don’t worry — whether you’re wanting to get started right away, or maybe not entirely convinced and jumping at the chance to begin your new and improved hair care and treatment journey, we put together a little something special for you. The how-to above gives you an idea of the proper steps to take when using a treatment, and boy do we love a good before and after shot. Using fast acting treatments, both of which were aimed to bring hydration back to the scalp and ends, we were able to completely transform her hair. What started off as dull and dry quickly transformed into luxuriously smooth, shiny, and bouncy hair. The best part is, it was all done in a matter of just a few extra minutes, adding little extra time and effort to her hair routine.

We know starting something new can often be intimidating, but for many of us, our hair is an important part of what makes us feel confident, powerful, and beautiful. It’s important that we remind ourselves to take the time to care for our hair, regardless of how hectic life may become, or how intimidating the process may seem. Chances are, simply knowing how the process works and where to start is enough to take away that dread, and we hope you take this as your sign to finally venture into the world of treatments, and transform into an even more beautiful and confident you.
